Thursday, March 23, 2017

Gaja Kesari Yogam (Kesari yogam)

Gajakesari Yoga

Gaja-Kesari yogam, Gajkesari Yog or Gaja-Kesari yoga is one of the most powerful and auspicious yogas in vedic astrology. Gaja (Elephant) and Kesari (Lion) are the two mighty animals on earth. As the name suggests, the person who is having this yoga will be a very powerful and a respected person in the society. Longevity is another blessing which comes as a result of this yoga.

This yoga occurs when Guru (Jupiter) and Chandra (Moon) are in Kendra (Quadrant) positions (i.e. 1, 4, 7 or 10) with respect to each other.

This simple formation involving only two Grahas, irrespective of the houses or rasis, makes it a very common yoga. In all probability, almost two thirds of the entire population will have this yoga in their birth chart. Are they equally lucky? No. Even though, the natives who are having this auspicious yoga in their birth chart are said to be very lucky, the degree of potency of this yoga depends on several other factors.

The houses (1st, 2nd etc) and the rasis (Simha, Kanya etc) in which they are positioned, play a very important role in the degree of potency of this yoga. For example, this yoga becomes more powerful and auspicious when it is formed in Kendra houses with respect to the Ascendant (Lagna). If the grahas are in houses like 6th, 8th or 12th they will not give good results. Unfavorable rasis, where the grahas become weaker, reduce the power of this yoga.  Associations with other planets (friend or foe) also play a crucial role.

If all these conditions are favorably met, then the Gaja Kesari yoga becomes very powerful and auspicious which will bestow blessings like wealth, longevity, knowledge, fame, happiness, and prosperity on the native.

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