Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What is Sade Sathi, Panauti or Ezhara Shani?

Shani Bhagvan
Shani Bhagvan

As you know, there are twelve houses in the rasi chakra. Planets (grahas) move from one house to another in a continuous, circular motion along this rasi chakra. All of them except the two shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu move in the clockwise direction. Rahu and Ketu move in the anticlockwise direction. In addition to these normal transits, there will be retrograde movements (Vakragati) also, during which the planets move backwards for a brief period of time.
Saturn (Shani) is the slowest among the grahas and it spends about two and a half years in each house. Saturn takes about 30 years to complete one full rotation on the rasi chakra. Because of its 'mandagati' (Slow speed), Saturn is also known as Manda.
As the planets move, they occupy various positions with respect to the Moon sign of the native. Moon sign (Chandra Kundali or Koor) is the house in which the moon is located in the horoscope. The grahas give good or bad results depending upon their positions with respect to the moon sign. For example, when Shani occupies first, second, fourth, seventh, tenth and twelfth positions, with respect to the moon sign, it gives bad results. In other positions, it gives good results. The predictions made, based on the relative positions of various planets with respect to the moon sign is called the 'Gochara phalam'.
Sade sati (Panauti or Ezhara Shani) is the period of time during which Saturn transits through a person’s moon sign and its two adjacent signs. i.e. twelfth, first and second houses.
For example, if the moon sign of a person is Leo, then his Sade sati will start when the Saturn enters the Cancer sign and will end when the Saturn leaves the Virgo sign. 
Eg.1 Ezhara Shani for the natives of Simham (Leo) Rasi

Take another example of a person whose moon sign is Sagittarius. In this case, the Sade sati will start when Saturn enters the Scorpio rasi and will end when it leaves the Capricorn rasi.

Eg.2 Ezhara Shani for the natives of Dhanu (Sagittarius) Rasi

As Saturn spends about two and a half years in each rasi, it takes about seven and a half years to complete its transit through these three rasis. That is why, this period is called Sade sati or Ezhara Shani.

During Sade sati (Panauti or Ezhara Shani), Saturn will pass through
1. 12th rasi of the moon sign
2. the moon sign (Janma Shani) and
3. 2nd rasi of the moon sign.
Out of these seven and a half years, the second spell (Janma Shani) is considered to be the most troublesome period. The next one will be the first spell. The 3rd spell - Saturn in second rasi - is considered to be the less troublesome period among these.

Effects of Sade sati (Panauti or Ezhara Shani)
Generally, Sade Sati is considered as a bad, troublesome period in a person's life. But, there are other things also, to be considered in calculating the degree of hardship/sufferings. The main factors to be considered are the moon sign of the native, the undergoing Mahadasa and antardasha, the position of Saturn (Rasi and bhava) in the horoscope and the details of other planets aspecting Saturn. 
You might have heard a lot of frightening experiences people had, during their Sade-Sathi. But there are also several examples of people achieving power, position and wealth during this period.
Remember one thing. Saturn does not punish anybody without any reason. It is a great task master and it demands hard work and discipline. So, naturally, there will be challenges on every front of your life like profession, family, health, finance etc.  Sade-Sathi is basically a period of repentance. Repentance for all your past sins. During this period, things will make you sad and you start worrying. Mental agony and helplessness are the first symptoms of Sade-Sathi. There will be quarrels and disputes. Some of them may end up in enmity, litigation or even confinements. Failure in business and loss of wealth can happen. Loss of goodwill is another possibility. Accidents which may result in hospitalisation also can happen. Never start any new ventures during this period without consulting an astrologer.

Will Sade sati (Panauti or Ezhara Shani) cause death?
There is a possibility of death, happening during this period but again, a lot depends on other factors especially the dasha as explained above. A person will face Sade Sathi every thirty years in his life and the probability of it causing death increases with each time. It is said that the first Sade-Sathi may not cause death but the probability is higher during the second one and it is very difficult to survive the third one. 
In order to survive the third one, strong yogas which bestow longevity are required in the horoscope.

Remedies (Pariharam)
The best method is to take refuge at the lotus feet of Lord Sree Dharma Sastha (Lord Ayyappa Swami). He is ‘Kaliyuga varada’ and he will protect you from the ill effects of Shani. Visit a Sastha temple every Saturday and offer him a Neerajanam. Visit Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha Temple at least once during this period. Performing 'Shani vritham' on Saturdays and visiting Shani temples like Tirunallar, Thirukollikadu or Shani Singhnapur also can help. Another remedy is to take refuge at Lord Siva or Lord Anjaneya (Hanuman) Swami. This can also effectively control the ill effects of Shani. According to certain astrologers, praying to Lord Krishna and Goddess Mahakali will also help.
This is a general advice and if you feel that things are really getting out of control, you may consult a learned astrologer for help. 

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