Friday, May 29, 2020

Introduction to Astrology

Welcome, Swagatham...
Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada

Dear friend,
Thank you very much for visiting this blog on Vedic astrology. No, this site is not meant for any pundits or gurus who want to do any research on astrology. This site is strictly for the interested laymen who would like to have some basic idea on astrology. Here, you can also familiarize some of the basic terms used in Vedic astrology.
Vedic astrology, also known as Hindu astrology or Indian astrology is an ancient science which is widely practiced by Hindus even today. In fact, its popularity is increasing day by day. Nowadays, almost all dailies publish forecasts and other articles on astrology. Almost all major TV channels are hosting chat shows on astrology and there are special astrological magazines in almost all major languages in India.

What astrology can do for you?

Some of the major uses of astrology are listed below. 

  • For the matchmaking of horoscopes for marriages.
  • For finding auspicious time for marriages, house warming etc.
  • For predicting or analyzing the future of a person.
  • For finding solutions (Parihaaram) to the problems in business, education, health, litigation etc.
  • For getting guidance or opinions (Deva hitham) from the almighty for ascertaining the correctness of the rituals (Poojas) performed in temples.
  • For getting the permission (Anujnja) from the presiding deity of the temple for any major construction activity or any change in rituals.

In general, people use this ancient science for finding solutions to their problems in daily life with the help of a learned, practicing astrologer. Based on your Rasi chart (janam pathrika, Griha nila) and the current positions of the planets, the astrologer will find out whether the time is favorable for you or not. He may use other methods also, like the Kavadi kriya (using cowries) or the Thamboola prasnam (using betel leaves). After the analysis, he will appraise you about the current situation and will suggest you, the various remedial measures to be carried out in order to make the situation more favorable for you.
However, many of us do not understand these discussions completely. One of the major problems is the lack of basic knowledge in this subject. Some of us do not know even how to read the forecasts published in news papers because they do not know which group they belong to.
My objective is to help these ordinary people who want to gain some basic knowledge in astrology and make use of its ancient teachings for the betterment of their lives.
Even though the basics are the same, there are variations in the practices that are followed in different parts of country. Here, in this blog, I will be following the traditional Kerala style of astrology.   
Once again I thank you for visiting this blog and wish you all the best.  May god bestow his blessings upon you.

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